Tuesday, 6 January 2015

using LinearLayoutManager, GridLayoutManager and StaggeredGridLayoutManager with RecyclerView

In the Previous Post, We have created a Recycler View with list of items like listview,

Now we will see how simple to make a gridLayout and |StaggerdGrid with Recycler View by simply modifying the code in the method  to show the items in different ways in the UI .



mRecyclerView = (AutofitRecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.my_recycler_view);

// use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes
// in content do not change the layout size of the RecyclerView

LinearLayoutManager llm = new LinearLayoutManager(this);

// use a linear layout manager to show items like listview

// create an Object for Adapter
mAdapter = new CardViewDataAdapter(myDataset);

// set the adapter object to the Recyclerview



mRecyclerView = (AutofitRecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.my_recycler_view);

// use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes
// in content do not change the layout size of the RecyclerView
// first param is context and second param is spanCount ie.,
GridLayoutManager glm=new GridLayoutManager(this,2);

// use a grid layout manager to show items like gridview

// create an Object for Adapter
mAdapter = new CardViewDataAdapter(myDataset);

// set the adapter object to the Recyclerview



mRecyclerView = (AutofitRecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.my_recycler_view);

// use this setting to improve performance if you know that changes 
// in content do not change the layout size of the RecyclerView

// use a staggerd grid layout manager to show items based on the content width and height.
// first param is spanCount and second param is orientation ie., Vertical or Horizontal
StaggeredGridLayoutManager sglm=new StaggeredGridLayoutManager(2,1); // use a linear layout manager mRecyclerView.setLayoutManager(sglm); // create an Object for Adapter mAdapter = new CardViewDataAdapter(myDataset); // set the adapter object to the Recyclerview mRecyclerView.setAdapter(mAdapter);


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